As a dance specialist with 20 years of experience working in primary schools and within the community, Steph understands the time pressures that come with planning, researching and resourcing an engaging creative curriculum for your pupils.
Add in a lack of confidence or experience in a subject, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
Steph’s workshop was a chance to change that. It’s was chance to gain the knowledge and skills to deliver dance with confidence at your school.
Steph is a dance specialist, a qualified children’s fitness instructor, and was a joint PE coordinator at Delves Junior School in Walsall. Steph also works for Inspire Activity, a company delivering Community Games events throughout the Midlands, inspiring children and families to become more physically active.
For those at joined Steph at last year’s conference, you gained ideas and structures to apply to different year groups, which covered a range of topics and dance genres.
Get your ticket here.
Key details
Date: Friday 17thth November 2023
Venue: Millennium Point, B4 7XG
Head over here to find out more about this year’s conference.
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