If we were to say, “the forgotten part of the school day," what would we be referring to?
It’s playtime.
You may have forgotten about it, don’t worry.
Or do.
Because it accounts for about 20% of the school day, and children experience up to 600 playtimes a year.
When put like this, it’s strange that it could ever be considered forgotten.
Then again, given the perceived behavioural issues that playtime can evoke and the mounting pressures on schools to deliver an ever-expanding curriculum, maybe it’s not so surprising.
With this pressure weighing heavily on schools' shoulders, is it any wonder that break times have been getting shorter over the past two decades, resulting from the cutting of afternoon breaks and the shortening of lunchtime?
Yet, playtime is one of the pupils’ most valued parts of the school day. It provides children a key opportunity for physical activity, socialising, and fresh air. What’s more, evidence supports the idea that break times benefit classroom engagement and improve learning through physical activity.
The idea that children can get the exercise they need outside school cannot be relied upon. This is shown by the marked shift from outdoor play to indoor screen time, with just under a third of children doing less than 30 minutes of physical activity daily. There has also been a rise in the number of children leaving primary school obese, and one in six children experiences mental health problems.
Diminishing opportunities for children to be active, along with increased time spent indoors due to safety concerns, means, for many, school is their primary access to physical activity, and playtime can contribute considerably to their daily exercise.
Playtime has the potential to provide 50% of a child’s daily recommended physical activity; currently, however, it contributes only 5 – 40%.
So, we know that playtime has the potential to achieve great things, but how can it be realised?
Well, surely children will use their own initiative to play games with friends, organise activities, and make the most of their free time.
But this isn’t always the case, as revealed by schools’ general perception that pupils are not as constructive in their play as they once were
A risk-averse culture limits children’s creativity, as echoed in children’s claims that certain activities are banned during break time, and there can be an absence of things to do. Schools fear injury, and with that fear comes the forbidding of activities deemed hazardous and the restricting of equipment, along with the resulting boredom.
Hello boredom, hello behavioural issues.
The answer?
For many, it has been cutting children’s breaks and lunchtimes.
Though, rather than saying nothing can be done about behaviour, so let’s just reduce the time available for behavioural issues to arise, why not look at other solutions, i.e. providing children with activities to occupy their time.
Playtime has clear potential, but action needs to be taken to make it effective.
What is this action?
One is considering the role of playground supervisors.
A study investigating the effects of games implemented by playground supervisors during playtime found that children were significantly more active.
However, lunchtime supervisors are unlikely to attempt activity delivery without the skills and confidence. More often than not, playground supervisors are poorly trained and poorly supported, so there is little to no chance of developing the necessary skills and confidence.
Is it of any surprise then that in the majority of primary schools, staff supervise at a distance?
If we have any hope of supporting children in leading a healthy lifestyle, we need to ensure those who have a real chance to contribute are equipped with the essential knowledge and skills we need to support them so they can support pupils.
And we have a way you can do just that.
Leadership Skills Foundation accredited training programme, Playground Activator.
For a playground where every child is active, contact Oli Burton on 0121 663 1979 or email oli.burton@aaeg.co.uk
Excited to discover fun activities on your playground?
🎁 Download our FREE resource with '17 activities to keep your pupils active at lunchtime.