Aspire Active Education Blog

PE and Sport Premium digital reporting

Written by Aspire Active Education | Nov 16, 2023 4:40:30 PM

Schools must publish the amount of Primary PE and Sport Premium received for this year 2023-24; a full breakdown of how it has been spent (or will be spent); what impact the school has seen on pupils’ Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity, participation and attainment and how the improvements will be sustainable in the future.

This digital tool will capture details on how a school has used its PE and Sport Premium and the impact it has had on achieving the aims and objectives of the funding.


Evidencing Premium Spending with Sue Wilkinson at The Active Primary Schools Conference 2023

Sue Wilkinson MBE, from AfPE, will discuss this critical development in a must-watch workshop, as this reporting system will be a mandatory requirement for schools to complete from the 2024 to 2025 academic year.

The digital tool will provide a further measure of accountability and will help identify any non-compliant spending of the PE and sport premium. The DfE intend to launch the tool in May/June 2024. They will send information to schools closer to this date, including details of training sessions on how to complete the digital form. 


What key points will be covered in the workshop led by Sue?

You will be supported to:

  • Effectively evidence the PE Premium fund within your school, focusing on young people who need it most, ensuring the right activity for the right young person.
  • Deploy strategies to maximise senior leader support within your school for more effective PE Premium Spending. 
  • Understand examples of best practices from across the network. 
  • The new digital reporting tool, which is a mandatory requirement of schools from the 2024 to 2025 academic year.