Aspire Active Education Blog

Dive Into Drowning Prevention Week with Swim:ED

Written by Aspire Active Education | Jun 17, 2024 8:38:52 AM

Dive Into Drowning Prevention Week with Swim:ED


This Drowning Prevention Week, we at Swim:ED want to inspire and empower our community to approach water with a blend of admiration, delight, and caution. At Aspire, we've put in place stringent health and safety protocols and supervision by our trained team to ensure a safe and secure swimming environment. 

One of our schools, Timberley Academy,  has seen incredible improvements in its swimming education with Swim:ED. This transformative programme has enhanced the pupils' swimming skills, water safety knowledge, and overall school operations.

Sponsored by the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK), Drowning Prevention Week is an annual opportunity to highlight the fundamental significance of water safety. More than half a million people globally lose their lives to drowning each year. It’s a sobering statistic that reinforces our commitment to equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to make all the difference.

Child Drowning Facts (RLSS)

1. In the last 5 years, 119 children accidentally drowned in the UK.

2. 71% of UK child drownings occur between May and August. 

3. 2022 saw an increase in the number of child drownings in the UK compared to the 5-year average. 

4. 84% of UK child drownings occur inland e.g. rivers, lakes and canals. 

5. 79% of children who accidentally drown in the UK are male. 

6. Drowning is currently reported as one of the leading causes of child trauma-related deaths in England. 

7. 83% of child drownings in England occurred in the absence of adult supervision. 

8, In RLSS' analysis, 71% of children aged 13-17 who accidentally drowned in the UK were swimmers. 

9. The risk of drowning is 2x higher for children from the more deprived areas of England, compared to those from the least deprived. 

10. The risk of drowning in England is 3.5x higher for children of Black ethnicity, compared to children from White ethnicity. 

Understanding Drowning 

Drowning is the process of experiencing respiratory failure because of being in or under liquid, typically—but not always—water. It's a silent process that can happen as quickly as 20-60 seconds in children. Even strong swimmers are not immune; they can get into difficulty from panic, injury, exhaustion, or even the shock of cold water.

Prevention is Key 

Preventing water-related injuries requires a mix of skills including swimming competency, knowledge of water safety, and proper supervision. Equipping every individual—child or adult—with the ability to identify potential water hazards, to respond to water emergencies, and know when and how to intervene is vital.

Swim:ED's Role

As a support network for swimmers of all ages and abilities, we believe that education is the best lifesaver. Our programmes are designed to increase water confidence, teach practical skills, and educate on essential water safety knowledge, thereby reducing the risk of drowning amongst our participants.

Join Us in Drowning Prevention Week

  • We invite you—teachers, parents, friends, swimmers, and non-swimmers alike—to participate in Drowning Prevention Week. Here’s how you can get involved:
  • Learn and Share: Grab our free educational resources available on our website. They’re filled with tips, facts, and advice on how to stay safe around water. Share them with your friends, family, and community.
  • Attend Virtual Events: Join us for workshops and webinars throughout the week where you can learn more about drowning prevention from leading experts.
  • Spread Awareness: Use the power of social media to promote water safety using the hashtag #DPW2024. Tell us how you ensure safety around water.


Water safety isn't merely a lesson—it's a lifestyle. This Drowning Prevention Week let's drive the message home that whether it's a backyard pool or the deep blue sea, caution, respect, and the right skills can enable us to enjoy these milieus while keeping safety afloat.

Together, we can continue to create a safer water-loving community. 

For Educational Resources for schools: Visit here or visit:

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